Friday, September 12, 2008

Storm Update

Well, it is looking like Ike is coming for a visit. We have been up since 7:30 am glued to the coverage. We took the girls to the park this morning and then out to play in the backyard to run off more energy. It is pretty much a normal day except for the impending, huge storm coming for us.

We made beds for the girls in our closet and have all the flashlights and radio batteried up. I was hoping the girls would sleep through most of the storm, but it looks like it might be making landfall a little earlier. I am actually getting more nervous and wondering if I am going to regret our plan to stay. We are pretty sure that we will lose power at some point. I am sure Chris, Kurt, and I will be up all night monitoring the weather and playing Yahtzee!!!

**** Update - 7:00pm
The wind is starting to pick up. It is really cloudy, but the rain hasn't started. Chris is outside with the neighbors taking bets on who loses trees. The girls and I are eating dinner. The power has been flickering off and on, but so far we still have power. I will try and keep updating as long as we have power!


dfhardwick said...

Good luck! Still pretty calm here for now. We are sleeping in the hallway because it is the only place the house that doesn't have floor to ceilng windows. Cooking dinner like normal.

Kristen said...

Oh my goodness, yall are making me nervous! Please be careful. I'll be thinking about all my Houston friends. Send updates as you can!

Melisa said...

stay safe! I'll try to call you guys tomorrow to see how the night goes. Love you all!

ibbabs97 said...

We are hanging out also. We have flickering power a little also. The cable seems to go out more than the power. The wind is on and off pretty strong. I am thinking about you guys. Stay safe.