Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Welcome to the second installment of Thoughtful Thursday (aka. Copying My Sister's Great Idea). We have had a relatively uneventful week around our world.

1. We had an impromptu game night on Saturday. It was a great time (with great friends) and so much more fun because of the relative spontaneity. Unfortunately, the boys won in pictionary again. We know they cheat, we just can't seem to prove it!

2. Bring on the Duckfest... I am running in my 4th 5K on Saturday. Chris, Sara, and Poppy will be joining me. For some reason, I am super nervous this time. I think it revolves around the fact that Chris will probably beat me and then I will have to deal with his grandstanding for days on end... Not fun.

3. Grace's last day of school was Wednesday. She has grown up so much this year. She is so much fun to be around and constantly makes us laugh. Her new favorite saying is "Guess what?". Tonight when it was time for bed, Lucy took off up the stairs to brush her teeth. She told Grace that she was going to win. Grace nonchalantly responded, "It isn't always a race, Lucy." Too funny!

4. Chris has been waiting somewhat patiently for today for several months. He is off to Margaritaville. No lie... he laid out his coconut bra before bed on Wednesday night. The man is a parrothead to the extreme!

5. We love the Biggest Loser. Even the girls are into it. We usually let them watch the first hour before bedtime and then we watch the rest after they go to sleep. We can hardly wait for the Finale next week. I am really bummed that my fave Daris is struggling at home. I hope he gets into the final 3.

That all folks,

1 comment:

Derrek and Emily said...

Erin, I love the biggest loser too. I totally voted for Daris on tuesday so hopefully he will be the third finalist (im such a nerd).

Love Margaritaville!! Went to the one in Jamaica and saw Jimmy in concert for my 4th wedding anniv (that was my gift to my hubby) He was awesome and we love him too :) Hope your hubby has a blast!!