Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Guess what...

This is my 200th post! Yeah me! I can't believe how much has happened and how little I remember about the last 2.5 years.

Since my sister has been doing her random roundup, I can't help but jump on the bandwagon. It is such a great way to capture the little things that happen during the week. So here is my very first installment of "Thoughtful Thursdays".

1. Grace and I went this week to meet the lady who will be babysitting the girls this summer while I work. It will only be one day a week, but it is still a really hard decision to make. The lady came highly recommended by a friend, so hopefully she will work out. She seemed really nice and was very attentive to Grace while we were there. She even gave her a banana when the other kids had a snack. Grace was also quick to point out that she lives right across the street from a "cool" park.

2. On the same note, Lucy only has 14 days of school left... what? I can't believe the school year has flown by so fast. She is going to be a first grader... Heaven help me!
3. Chris' new job is going great. The only drawback is that he is back to his old schedule of 6:30am-6:30pm. It really cuts into his time with us. This later schedule is also responsible for the increase in my wine intake. The witching hour with no daddy around is no fun for any of us... Yikes!

4. The girls and I did a little experiment this week. We took the leftover celery stalks and attempted to color the leaves. I remember doing it when I was little. The red and green did really great, but the purple did not work at all. Grace was very disappointed, since purple is the only color in her book.

5. I am in the process of redoing my craft room. I am attempting to do it for under $15 not counting the table Chris built me after Christmas. I am hoping it will turn out just like my vision. Stay tuned for pictures of the final redo. Along with the new and improved craft room, I have been busy turning out some serious projects. I will post pictures of those too when I get finished.

6. We tried out the new splash park in the neighborhood this week. It was really crowded, but has the potential to be a great spot for cooling off during the long summer.

7. Both the girls have been sick this week. Grace ran fever on Monday, so we missed work on Tuesday. All seemed fine on Wednesday, until Lucy drug her little mopey self off the bus. Sure enough, she had a fever. So we are home again today. We did go to the doctor this morning, just to be told it is a virus. I was hoping for a little drug action to kick this bug to the curb. I really can't miss any more work. I hate to sound like a heartless mommy, but when you work hourly you can't miss many hours without it taking a serious bite out of the old paycheck!

Hopefully, I can keep this up (and didn't bore anyone too much). It is kinda fun to just write about the random things that are going on during our week. The good, the bad, and the boring!

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