Friday, March 7, 2008

Rest Times are for Suckers...

Lucy stopped taking naps this summer. I am not really sure what I was thinking when I allowed this to happen. I think I must have been having a seriously weak moment. Lately, I have been trying to reintroduce rest time everyday from 2:30-4. This is usually when Gracie is taking her afternoon nap and it allows me some time to get caught up on house work (or my daily blog fix). Most days, it is impossible and I spend most of my time taking her back to her room and telling her how many more minutes are left... It is seriously frustrating. Anyways, today she has been in her room for most of the time listening to her boom box and talking to herself. Every once in awhile, I hear her door creak open and then close. It seems she is just checking on things and then going back in... So maybe my plans are working. I wish someone would close me in my room for an hour and half and tell me to rest. I would be all for it!

1 comment:

Melisa said...

Hang in there---she will come to love her rest time aka your blog time. Naps don't last forever--just one more sign that they grow up too fast!