Friday, March 7, 2008

Preschool Peer Pressure

It is so sad that in preschool Lucy is already getting peer pressure. Yesterday, she got in the car after school with a big sigh.

Me: "How was your day?"

Lucy: "Not so good."

"What happened?"

"H called me a baby today cause you sent my drink in a sippy cup."

"That wasn't nice, was it?"

"Not really! But I want a juice box like everyone else."

"Sometimes, we don't get what we want. Mommy was all out of juice boxes. You drink out of sippy cup at home sometimes."

"But that is only cause Daddy doesn't want me to spill on the new carpet upstairs. We don't have carpet at school."

I guess her logic was good. I have been trying to be on a budget and not make needless trips to the store in between shopping days. Anyways, does it make me a bad mommy, that we went to walmart today and got a whole new package of Capri Suns. They are so much cooler than juiceboxes...

1 comment:

Melisa said...

I agree with ya sista! Capri Suns are much cooler than silly juice boxes. She will be the hit of lunch next week and you will be the best mommy ever.