Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Super-sized Thoughtful Thursday

Apparently, I was so thoughtless last Thursday, I completely forgot to post. It has been a super busy summer so far. We have been swimming, working, playing, crafting, and chilling! Awesome!

1. We had a double birthday weekend last weekend. We celebrated Dad's 60th birthday (a little late) and Agata's 30th birthday. Overall, it was a great time full of lots of food and family.

2. On Saturday, the boys went fishing, so the girls went shopping. We had a great time, but my favorite was that we got to eat at my new favorite place, Picnic. They have the most delicious chicken salad and pimento cheese. Love it!

3. The girls have been having an awesome time in Egypt this week. FPC's VBS is a trip with Joseph from prison to palace. Lucy is learning so much and Grace is having a ball with her friends. It makes me so happy to see them having so much fun while learning all about God's love for us.

4. Since Biggest Loser is over for awhile, we have started watching America's Got Talent. After a pretty rocky start, Lucy and Grace love it too (unless there are power tools involved). They get so excited and trying hard to decide what their talent will be.

5. On the same note, Royal Pains is back for its second season and Psych starts in July! I love them both!

6. Grace has pretty much given up taking an afternoon nap. I am trying not to be too upset. We still have mandatory rest time from 1-3, but sleep is usually not happening. It has alot to do with big sister around and not wanting to miss out on anything fun. One silver lining, is that she has fallen asleep in my lap just about every night this week. I love snuggling with my sweet little girl!

7. We took a trip to the dollar store last week for some crafting supplies. I am in the process of putting together a list of super easy, fun crafts and projects to occupy our long summer days. It is amazing how much you can do with a can of shaving cream and some food coloring.

8. Lucy lost another tooth... in her sleep. Last night she came into our room at midnight and told me she had pull her tooth. We went back up to her room and looked around, but we couldn't find it. I think she must have pulled it in her sleep. The funny thing is I don't remember it being very loose. Hopefully, the tooth fairy will find the missing tooth with her special tooth fairy senses and leave a little surprise!

Happy Thursday,

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