Monday, July 7, 2008

Do we call it home now?

Yesterday, we ventured back to our old stomping grounds for a birthday party. The girls and I were waiting on Daddy in the car and Lucy asked...

"How long have we lived here, Mom?"

"About a month and a half. Why?"

"Do we call it home now?"

"Well, does it feel like home?"

"Yes. I like the new house."

"Well, then it is home!"

I wish it was that easy for me. The move has been a much harder adjustment than any of us thought it would be, but we are slowly getting there. We LOVE the new house, but the area just doesn't feel like home yet. I hardly know my way around and haven't met a lot of people. I know that it takes time, but we really miss all our old friends and hangouts. You never really realize how much people mean to you until you don't see them all the time!

Also, my house doesn't smell like my house. Does that make sense or am I crazy??? I don't know what I am looking for, but I can't seem to put my nose on it:). I know, crazy right?

I have joined the local MOMS club, so hopefully that will help. I made so many awesome friends in Fairfield that way. Plus, once school starts Lucy will make friends that way.

I don't like to whine on here, but I am bored and feeling lonely today. Poor Me! Luckily, Sara and Justin are right down the street or we would really be in trouble.

Anyways, sorry for the pitiful Erin post, but I just wanted to get it out!

Plus, our computer monitor went out on Saturday, so no pics for awhile. Luckily, we have a laptop to check email (and blog) on, but no access to the millions of pictures I took this weekend

Ok... Now go hug your neighbor....


Natalie said...

You are not crazy on the smell thing. I was totally like that too! If it is any consolation we here in fairfield miss you too. Playgroup just isn't the same. We have some new ones, but it will take a while to get the group the way it was.

dfhardwick said...

Hang in there! We have moved so much that I have no idea what it is like to be connected! Maybe one day... I look forward to seeing you guys more often, so hang on for a few more weeks. :)

Rachel said...

I'm with Dina. I swear we never stay anywhere long. Someday.

i know exactly what you mean about the smell, you're not crazy... well not totally crazy :-) Just normal mom crazy.

Good luck and have fun at the MOMS club, I know you'll meet wonderful people.

Anonymous said...

You will find your place, you always do! I know it's hard. Just remember that you have friends and loved ones all over that are always there for you. MM