Monday, April 5, 2010

Poppy's Garden

Every year my dad has an amazing garden, and every year we all look forward to enjoying the veggies that come from it. Now that they have moved to the "country" the garden is even bigger and better. Saturday we spent a few hours helping to plant the second plot full of tomatoes, green beans, bell peppers, and squash.

Grace was in charge of putting water in each hole before the plant was added. She was so excited and worked so hard to carry the very "heaby" water can.
Lucy then followed up with a tomato plant in each hole. She is getting to be a real pro, since this is her third year to help plant. She was very specific in how she patted each little plant into place.
Poppy and Grace planted a special cherry tomato plant just for her. She LOVES cherry tomatoes and will eat a whole carton at a time.
I can hardly wait until the first veggies are ready to eat. Mom always makes yummy salsa, so I am hoping to be there to help with that.

Hoping for a bountiful harvest!


Sara said...

How come you didn't mention me and my prissy baby who wouldn't step foot in the dirt? Haha. It was a fun weekend.

Flowers said...

What a unique treasure! I love it dirt and all!! Expecting the pictures of blooms on your upcoming blog.

Anonymous said...


I commented to this entry about a week ago and the comment has never shown up.... Do you know of a reason why that would happen?..and it is not because I'm old and can't figure it out....Dad