Sunday, January 4, 2009

Cousins, Cousins, and more Cousins...

Lucy and Grace had such a great time with their cousins, Bennett, Ella, and Elizabeth, at Nana's house, that they decided to come and stay the night with us before they went back to Dallas.

I was a little nervous driving 2.5 hours home with 5 kids in the car and no other adults, but I am always up for a challenge. The kids were awesome. They laughed and sang silly songs and kept eachother company.

When we got to our house, we ordered pizza and have ice cream sundaes. Then we put in a movie and made a big pallet in the gameroom. We finally had to break up the party at about 10:15, cause I thought Lucy was going to have a breakdown (she was so exhausted!). The other kids finally drifted off about 11:00.
The next morning we had waffles and pancakes. We spent most of the morning playing in the backyard and with all the new Christmas toys. I took the girls to the park right before lunch, while Chris and Bennett watched a movie on the big screen. (I think Bennett was on girl OVERLOAD!)
It was such a great visit. They are a great group of kids and love spending time together. Lucy and Gracie are already talking about their next visit!

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