Monday, February 11, 2008

Silly Goose

So, I don't normally post funny stories about Lucy, but today I have a good one. We were waiting at the oil change place for our car to get finished with our free wash. We were sitting in the waiting room with just one other lady. Lucy was pushing Gracie in the stroller and talking to me. I looked up and noticed our truck was coming out of the car wash. I pointed it out to Lucy and said, "Here comes our truck." About the same time the lady waiting with us gets up and starts walking to the door. Lucy looks right at her and says "That's our car, Silly Goose! You have to wait your turn." I was so embarassed and quickly told Lucy " We don't call other people we don't know, Silly Goose. It isn't nice." Luckily, the lady just laughed and went out the door.
Lucy makes me laugh about 75 times a day. She has gotten really articulate and says some of the most grown up things. Lately, she is in to telling everyone "good job!" For example, "Mommy, do you see that water tower?" "Yes, Lucy." "Good Job, Mommy! Good looking!"
Anyways, I just thought I would share a little humor from my day. I will have to remember more of them, so that I can share again. Before, I know it she will be 15 and won't talk to me at all!
Hope everyone has a great week!

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