Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Gone in 60 seconds...

In an ongoing effort to become better with my fancy smancy camera, I decided to get it out and fiddle with it while Goose was taking a nap. It seemed like Grace was going to be a willing subject....

but by the time I was all set up she had other plans...

Backdrop - check

Camera - check

Lighting - check

Wings - check

Smiley, Happy baby - umm... not on your life, lady!!

Darn the two teeth coming in on top and making life miserable for her (and Mommy).
I snapped this right before her meltdown was complete. She was looking for her paci.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Until I have babies of my own...yours are the cutest. My nieces just get more beautiful every day. Keep the blog up; it looks great!