1. My oldest is SIX YEARS OLD... which she says means I am old now too! How did this happen? It seems that just yesterday we were bringing that cute little pink bundle into the world. Now she is a sweet little lady with more brains, beauty, grace, and compassion than most 60-year olds. But I could be biased...

2. We spent another great weekend in Rockport. LOVE the condo and LOVE spending quality time with the family!
3. Grace was sick again this week. She has been unlucky this summer, that the germies keep getting her. Luckily she is feeling better and back to her stinky, sweet self.
4. We are all looking forward to an eventful weekend. Chris is headed to Seadrift with all the guys for three days of fishing, poker, and beer drinking(yuck). All of us girls are having a belated birthday party for Lucy. We are having an almost Sleepover. There will be pizza, rainbow cake, ice cream, pedis, and even tie dyeing. It is going to be FABULOUS!

Rainbow Cupcakes for the actual birthday... There will be a BIG rainbow cake for the party.
5. Lucy spent all last week in Fine Arts Camp. She and her bff, Ashtyn, spent 5 days singing dancing, and crafting. On Friday, they did a little performance of all they had learned. She had a blast. On a side note... here are only 3 weeks of summer left... Can you believe it? Where has the time gone?

Happy Thursday,