Thursday, January 14, 2010

Wii have dance fever..

Chris convinced me last month that our family just wouldn't be complete without the addition of a Wii. I was very skeptical, but I have to admit that it has been so much fun. The girls (mainly Lucy) love it and want to play all day long.
Yesterday, Chris brought home a new dance game. It is so addicting! The only disappointment is that my dance skills have gone significantly downhill. Lucy is currently the queen of the game. She can get down to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, like no one's business.

1 comment:

natalie said...

We got one last year, but got MarioKart for Christmas. So FUN! Do you have that one? We have been playing online with other people. Yes, we are nerds. Its fun, but I totally suck. We may have to try out this dance one. I bet Mackenzie and Reagan would love it.