Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of School (1 week late)

Well, it is official...Lucy is a Kindergartener! I can hardly believe it. It seems the last 5 years have flashed by.

So far, she is doing pretty good. She gets a little sad at drop off and during lunch (Food must remind her of home!), but she is really getting into the bus! She loves recess and P.E. Hopefully, she will get as excited about reading and math!

Gracie and I are doing pretty good too. The first day seemed to drag by, but now we are getting into the swing of things. Gracie starts preschool next week (stay tuned) and I have started working part time. All in all, we are one busy family these days!

Anyways, here are a few snaps of Lucy's first day!


kuykendall_family said...

I can't believe it - so cute! I want to hear all about your job. Email me when you can!

Kristen said...

Oooo, she gets to ride the bus! We live too close for Sarah to ride the bus, but that is the ultimate step of independence in her mind! I want to hear about your new job too - I'm assuming it's the one you told us about in Rockport? Take care!