Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Great Girl Adventure.... and Poppy!

Three Texas girls very far from home and very cold!

Lunch on the go...

Gig'em Aggies... We beat TU!

Hotels Rock!

Granny, Poppy & the snow bunnies

Dad, Justin, & Chad with the pheasants.
Lucy and Shaylynn checking out the buffaloes!

The VERY happy couple

Party Time!

Road trips are fun... 23 hours and counting!
A huge prairie dog town!

The girls and I just got back from a whirlwind trip to Nebraska. We went with Mom and Dad to surprise Sassy and Justin at their wedding party. Mom and I left with the girls on Thursday and Dad flew to meet us in Scott's Bluff, NE on Friday. It was a huge success. We really surprised Justin and Sara and got to see ALOT of the country. We were in the car for 40+ hours round trip. We saw lots of snow and stayed in a bunch of hotels, two of Lucy's favorite things. It was so much fun, with just a few rough spots... thank God for DVD players.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Gig'em Aggies!

We were lucky enough to get to tagalong on a tour of the brand new Aggie Athletic Complex on Friday. Weldon, our brother-in-law, pulled some former 12th Man strings and set up a tour for Bennett's flag football team while they were in College Station for the State tournament. It was really cool. The facilites are amazing and the kids loved getting to play on Kyle Field. I think Chris was as excited as the kids. He and Lucy took their pictures in front of Stephen McGee and J-Train's lockers. The athlete lounge is awesome. Lucy wanted to play pool all afternoon.

It was Grace's first trip to Aggieland and she definitely got a cool introduction. Now if we could just, BTHO TU!!!! Gig'em!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween

Lucy and Grace had a great halloween. Lucy was a silly witch and Gracie was her little black cat. They both looked so cute. Lucy made a huge haul of candy and Grace fell asleep halfway around the block. Hope everyone else had as great a time as our family!